Wednesday, 25 May 2016

A Golden smile!

Me 'n Polly have been to an agility training session today, 'down on't' farm' ... which meant, not only weaves, jumps, seesaw etc, but also horses, peacocks, geese and chickens! Poll did really well on the agility equipment and seemed to enjoy it.  She also remained completely calm when I took her to meet the horses, which amazed me as she's usually overly excited by them (anyone who has read this blog from the beginning, will recall the time she was off lead and met a large horse in the woods ... rather a tense situation to say the least!)  Our training group buddies today were, one massive great Dane, an enormous Irish Wolfhound, a stressy Weimaraner, a Giant Schnauzer, a Wire Haired Terrier and a teeny tiny Dachsund ... definitely what you might call an eclectic bunch!

It's been a good few days for Polly, as my grown up daughter came home to stay for the weekend. Polly was delighted to have 'her' Fay back home (so was I!) and glued herself to Fay's side.  Just look at this photo snapped on our Sunday walk ... I don't think Polly could look any more delighted if she tried!!!

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Happy Birthday Betty Boo!

Exactly a year ago today, this beautiful little puppy entered into our world and came to live with us a few weeks later.  She turned out to be a clever, funny, sweet natured, oh-so-very cuddly girl, who loves munching carrots, chasing her favourite glo-ball and playing ferocious games of tug on my back lawn with her big sis Polly.

 Our first year together has been a complete joy and Betty's antics have made me laugh every single day.  She is a total sweetheart, such a gentle girl.

Happy 1st Birthday to you Betty Boo, my gorgeous Puppy Girl!


Wednesday, 11 May 2016

A walk on the town side ..

I took Betty 'Real Life' training in town with our obedience group this morning.  We tackled heavy traffic, narrow pavements, sirens, lorries, pelican crossings, a railway station, prams, walking sticks, shop doorways, a graveyard (!) and the formidable walls of Maidstone prison; in fact she coped with heaps of unfamiliar sights, sounds and situations and even visited a pet shop! I couldn't resist taking a quick pic of her doing a very smart sit stay right next to the munchie chew bars ... they were quite a temptation for such a young dog, but she was a very good girl and didn't put a paw wrong.

Training Betty to be a polite pup while we're out and about is hard work, but genuinely rewarding ... and I am proud to say she is coming along a treat!  

Good girl Betty Boo, you certainly earned your treats today!


Friday, 6 May 2016

A walk in the bluebell woods ..

And while little sis naps after her training this morning, me 'n Polly have been taking a gentle stroll through our local bluebell woods. 

 It's a warm Spring day, so this is the perfect, calm walk for my heavily coated girl and a lovely, relaxing walk for me ... I swear there's magic in those bluebells!


Work, rest and play!

Little Betty isn't so little any more.  Her first birthday is almost upon us and our year together has flown by.  I have walked miles and miles in beautiful countryside and along pavements ... basically, anywhere that will have us!  Betty and her sister Polly continue to obedience train - dog training isn't so much a hobby, as a lifestyle these days.

In fact, I've just come in from a 'Real Life' training session with Betty this morning.  We walk and train with a guide-dog instructor and a small group of friendly dogs each week.  We visit all kinds of local places to give the dogs a broad training experience. This morning Betty ran with her pals through the bluebell woods at Penenden Heath, walked to heel across the scary high level motorway bridge, tackled steep steps politely, trotted along a noisy road and practiced loads of 'sit stays' (her least favourite thing to do - she is such a fidget bum!) in close proximity with the other dogs.  She also did her bit in a synchronised group walking routine on the Heath.  Mind you, breaking Betty of her pulling habit is still an on-going battle, but I am proud to say, my cheeky Miss Boo has improved hugely of late.

I don't think a dog's life shouldn't only be about obedience and training though.  After work comes rest and play ... and boy do my two LOVE to play!

Time to put the kettle on now and find a couple of chews for my girls.  They've really earned them this week!
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